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Our Schools


North Side High School offers a quality Counseling Program

School counselors provide social and emotional services.  Our counselors plan programs to meet the CDC’s Mental Health and Wellness Guidelines for Schools. The guidelines come in the following categories: Healthy Relationships, Mental and Emotional Health, Alcohol/Drugs and Tobacco Prevention, Violence Prevention, and Personal Safety.

Social and Emotional Services: click here

  • A counselor who can set challenging educational, career, and personal-social goals that are based on self-knowledge and information about school, the world of work, and their society.
  • A counselor who can assess and handle serious psychological and emotional problems and assist the family in getting treatment.
  • Serve as a liaison with the counseling and treatment community.
  • Training in age-appropriate, objective-based activities.
  • Consultation, counseling and referral for families going through divorce, grief and loss or other stressful experiences.
  • Assistance in conflict resolution to students.
  • The organization and presentation of preventative programs.

Academic development includes acquiring the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

Academic Services: click here

  • Strategies to achieve success such as organization, time management, study habits, critical thinking skills, and goal setting.
  • Guiding students to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options with an emphasis on college.
  • Understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work.

Would you like to view our counseling brochure?  Click here for English and Spanish.

Academic Advising and Counseling Services Needs Assessment Survey

The link to the Academic Advising and Counseling Services Needs Assessment will take you to the survey where you will choose student, parent, or staff.  Please complete this survey to help our counselors know how to best meet the needs of our students and families. All responses are anonymous.  The survey closes on October 31, 2020.



Encuesta de Evaluación de Necesidades de Servicios de Asesoramiento Académico y Consejeria

El enlaces para la evaluación de necesidades de servicios de asesoramiento académico y consejeria lo llevará a la encuesta para responder como alumno, padre o personal escolar. Complete esta encuesta para ayudarle a nuestras consejeras a saber cómo satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y familias. Sus respuestas son anónimas. La encuesta se cierra el 31 de octubre de 2020.


First page of the PDF file: september_scholarship_newsletter